Interested in more about Loaded Boards? Of course you are! Here are the latest Loaded Boards reviews so you can get to know their longboards. Ok, now let’s get to the The Chubby Blood Slayer.
Once upon a time, downhill longboards were bland and boring. They were made of things like wood, wood, some more wood, maybe bamboo, but it turns out that that’s wood too. So a lot of wood. What’s more is that they were ALL made of wood. There was not a single downhill longboard in the world made of anything other than wood.
And then the Chubby Unicorn came.
The Chubby Unicorn was this big, long thing made of otherworldy materials such as UHMW plastic and urethane and super-light basswood cores and fiberglass and oh my god so many new materials! It was revolutionary – it was years ahead of its time in terms of concave, and construction, and basically, the skateboarding community couldn’t justify a board of such potential awesomeness because rider skill just wasn’t there yet, among some other factors. So it inspired a new board- the Loaded Tesseract (a still widely skated, composite board of cork, bamboo and fiberglass with similar concave features). Then all was calm once more- the Tesseract was fairly priced and well-made for people of all skill groups and demographics. The Chubby Unicorn continued to sell well domestically and internationally- but it was later taken off the line for a while for production reasons and the introduction of some new boards to the line-up.
But then people began to hunger- other companies started to come out with Chubby Unicorn-esque constructions of various plastics and urethanes and light wood cores, and people started to ask, “Loaded, where’s the Chubby Unicorn? Wherefore has’t thee f’rsaken us?!” And the dudes and dudettes at Loaded smirked, because Loaded never leaves the scene behind. And lo and behold, the Chubby Blood Slayer- a gory, elevated version of the fat, happy-go-lucky Chubby Unicorn. This time in red and black! (It’s the new blue and white.)
The Chubby Blood Slayer is to an extent, extremely similar to the original Chubby Unicorn. It has the same kicks, the same shape, same grip design, same recessed truck mounts and the same width and length. But what you may not notice is that Loaded made a few changes after listening to the community for the few years that the Unicorn was away. The W is a little mellower, and the board is practically completely waterproofed due to the addition of urethane truck mounts. Also, after so many years, you can expect an overall improvement of quality from Loaded, as they’re always innovating and improving their production methods.
This is a very limited run of boards- so be sure to find out where they’re available and pick one up as soon as diddly-doodly possible!
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