Zak Zak Toeside
We sat down with the owner of Meat Bicycle, Zak Hall, to find out more about him and the boards he has been making for the last three years.
How long have you been skating and what got you started? How would that lead you to starting your own skate brand?
I think I’ve been skating for 8 years now. A friend of mine from high school got me into it. I’ve just been addicted to it from the start. I figured a skate brand would give me a good excuse to keep doing it.
What have been some of the struggles starting your own brand?
Getting my business’s taxes setup. My accountant thought I was selling meat.
I think many people want to know how you came up with the name Meat Bicycle?
Its from my favorite video game Borderlands. One of the psycho bandit characters is always yelling about his shiny meat bicycle.
Does anyone help you run Meat Bicycle?
Just me
I think one of the big initial things that grabbed my attention of Meat Bicycle was the very twisted, dark graphics that you were painting, do you think we will see a return of that in 2019 or keep with the clean logo graphic from the end of 2018?
I might paint a few boards, but I think the majority will be branded with a simple logo. The dark graphics will make a return though!
Pork Soda Dark

You’ve previously made some small downhill boards, with the rise of the slalom style in downhill scene is it likely we will see a “Meat Minibike”?
YES! I’m working on the mold now. It is NOT going to have a wedge tail.
Currently Meat Bicycle has two decks available (Pork Soda and Coral Fang) and the teased Meat Tricycle coming later this year. Do you plan to release any other shapes or constructions this year?
Everythings going to be a little different from what you have seen previously. Meat Bike will have 3 shapes; the Coral Fang, Pork Soda, and Meat Tricycle. They’re all around 36in long by 9.5-9.8in wide. They’re entirely hand made and sport a brand new construction that is lightweight, stiff, and thicccccccc. The build is inspired by the way surfboards are made.
Pork Soda Meat Tricycle Coral Fang
What is your current setup?
Earthwing Drifter, Indy 169s and Rainskates 92a.
Do you have a team of riders yet; if so, who should we keep our eyes peel for and how did you peak your team?
I don’t have an official team yet. But a few good friends of mine ride my stuff and they absolutely kill it. John Buleza, Anthony Toomey, Ben Wright and Hayden Knott.
John Buleza Anthony Toomey Ben Wright Hayden Knott plus Zak
Will we see a an increase of production of Meat Bicycle be getting a website anytime time soon?
A slight increase in production! I work full time, and build boards whenever I can get a free minute. They’ll be coming in small runs to start. So I’m just going to sell direct through the MeatBicycleSkateco instagram. But eventually I’d like to get a website setup.
Anything else you want to share with us?
Go Skate!!
Meat Bicycle doesn’t have a website up yet, but you can contact them via their Facebook or Instagram to place an order. Hit one of the buttons below to get in touch.
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